Operating Systems Overview

I dealt with computers first when I was in the elementary school around 1998, where I used to play Sky Roads on DOS computers. 2000 was the year I convinced my father to buy a computer at home, Some guy came at home and installed Windows so that we can deal with the computer, This Windows was like a mysterious thing or like a ghost that controls my PC, Actually I didn’t pay attention to know what Windows is all about rather than it is a kind of “Operating System” ! but as an end-user I was very good at using it.

Now as a computer science student, I figured out what Operating System – abbreviated OS – is all about, this article intend to give a brief overview to Operating Systems.

What is OS?

  • A program that controls the execution of application programs, and act as an interface between the application and the computer hardware.
  • It has 3 objectives:
    • Convenience; makes computer more convenient to use.
    • Efficiency; allows us to use computer resources in an efficient manner.
    • Ability to evolve; allow for further development to allow to system functions.

OS as a user/computer interface

  • OS provides a variety of services in the following areas:
    1. Program development: editors, debuggers they are tools supplied with the OS.
    2. Program execution: automate a number of steps to execute a program.
    3. Access to I/O devices: act as a façade to I/O devices.
    4. Controlled access to files: provide protection mechanism to control access to files.
    5. System access: protect system data and resources from unauthorized users.
    6. Error detection and response: detect program and hardware errors so as to clear the error condition with the least impact on the running applications.
    7. Accounting: monitoring system resources and collect usage statistics, help in judging whether to upgrade the resources or it is efficient enough.

OS as a Resource Manager

  • Memory allocation is controlled by the OS and the MMU (Memory Management Unit).
  • The OS decides when I/O device can be used by a program in execution.
  • Control access to and use of files.
  • The processor operation itself is controlled by the OS, that OS decides how much time the processor can spend on a particular program.

What makes OS evolve ?

  1. Hardware upgrades and new types of hardware: New types of hardware require that the OS be able to deal with it, so OS should be built with support for that hardware.
  2. New services: OS offers new services demanded by the users or system managers.
  3. Bug Fixes: Bugs appear over time, and detected by users, so OS should be fixed for this bugs, and sometimes fixing a bug raise another bug.

OS Evolution

In the dark ages, when there was no OS from late 1940s to mid-1950s (I call this years: before OS, abbreviated BOS like BC) the programmer had to deal directly with the computer hardware, These computers were run from a console consisting of display lights, toggle switches, some form of input device.

  • Serial Processing:

    • This systems presented two main problems
      1. Scheduling: users had to sign-up sheet to reserve computer time, users couldn’t`t know precisely how long it will take to finish their program.
      2. Setup time: A single program called a job had to be installed before used with its compiler and code, saving the object program and linking and so on to run the program.
    • Users have access to computer in series.
    • Simple Batch Systems
      • Monitor: a software program that handle executing the jobs provided by the user on tapes or disks.
  • Multiprogrammed Batch Systems

    • The I/O devices are much slower than the processor, leaving the processor idle most of the time waiting for the I/O devices to finish their operations.
    • Uniprogramming: the processor starts executing a certain program and when it reaches an I/O instructions, it must wait until that I/O instructions is fully executed before proceeding.
    • Multiprogramming: in contrast to the uniprogramming, when a job needs to wait for an I/O instruction, the processor switches to another job executing it until the first job finishes its waiting I/O instructions, the processor continue to swap between jobs as it reaches an I/O operation.
    • Multiprogramming batch system must rely on certain hardware capabilities such as process switching when swapping between program execution.
    • Interrupt-driven I/O or DMA helps a lot in multiprogramming environments, allowing the processor to issues an I/O command and proceed executing another program.

  • Time-Sharing Systems

    • As multiprogramming allows processor to handle multiple batch jobs at time, it can allow the processor to handle multiple interactive jobs at time, through time sharing.
    • Time Slicing: there is a system clock that generates interrupts at a constant rate, allowing the OS regain control and assign the processor to another process.

Time sharing and multiprogramming raise a host for new problems

  • If multiple jobs are in memory they must be protected from interfering with each other.
  • File systems must be protected from access by unauthorized users.
  • The programs contention for resources (mass storage, printer, … ) must be handled by the OS.

Major Achievements in OS

  • The Process
    • Possible Definitions:
      • A program in execution.
      • An instance of a program running on a computer.
    • The interrupt helped programmers in developing early multiprogramming and multiuser interactive systems.
    • Errors caused by handling more than one process at time is:
      1. Improper synchronization
      2. Failed mutual exclusion: allow only one routine at a time to perform an update against the file.
      3. Non-determinate program operation: programs may interfere with each other when they share memory and their process is interleaved by the processor.
      4. Deadlocks: 2 programs hung up waiting for each others to release a resource.
    • The execution context or the process state is the internal data by which the OS is able to control the process.
    • The context contains the content of the processor registers, as with information to use by the OS as the priority of the process.
  • Memory Management
    • Process Isolation: OS should prevent independent processes from interfering with each other.
    • Automatic allocation and management: Programs should be dynamically allocated, and allocation should be transparent to the programmer.
    • Support of modular programming: Programmers should be able to write their own programs and create, destroy and alter the size of it dynamically.
    • Long-term storage: saving information for extended periods of time.
    • Protection and access control.
  • Information Protection and Security
    • the use of time-sharing systems, computer networks has brought concern for the protection of information.
    • We are concerned with the problem of controlling access to the computer system.
    • Work in this area can be grouped in:
      • Availability: protect the system against interruption.
      • Confidentiality: users cannot read data for which access is unauthorized.
      • Data integrity: protection of data from unauthorized modification.
      • Authenticity: verification of the identity of the users and validity messages.
  • Scheduling and Resource Management
    • Any resource allocation and scheduling policy must consider:
      1. Fairness: jobs of the same class competing for a resource are to be given equal and fair access to that resource.
      2. Differential responsiveness.
      3. Efficiency: OS should maximize processor utilization, minimize response time, and accommodate as many users as possible.
    • OS elements involved in the scheduling of process and the allocation of resources in a multiprogramming environment:
      • Short-term queue: contains processes in the main memory and are ready to run as soon as the processor is made available.
      • Short-term scheduler: decides which process in the short-term queue to use the processor, a common strategy is to give each process some time in term (round-ribbon) technique.
      • Long-term queue: list of all new jobs waiting to use the processor, the OS adds jobs to the system by transferring process from the long-term queue to the short-term queue.
      • I/O queues: each device has a queue for the processes waiting to use that device; it is the OS that decide which process to assign to an available I/O device.


Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (6th Edition), William Stallings